Jack Holman

Jack Holman

Jack Holman has over 20 years of ranch real estate experience. In addition to a Wildlife and Fisheries Science degree earned at Texas A&M University, Jack has a lifetime of ranching experience with commercial cow/calf production. He harvested his first whitetail buck when he was seven years old which adds up to over five decades of hunting experience. He has also spent time working with oil and gas companies in surface production which has given him an understanding of the complexities of production and pipeline equipment which can impact the surface of some ranch owners.

In 1990, Jack started the Harvey’s Creek Wildlife Management Association (WMA) which became the blueprint for dozens of other WMA’s in the State. These organizations help small land owners “pool” their acreage with neighbors. This in turn coordinates everyone’s harvest in a manner which allows young bucks to mature. He was instrumental in forming the Colorado County WMA, a parent organization for six other WMA’s in the Colorado County. Due to sound conservation practices, both organizations have won Texas Parks and Wildlife’s prestigious Lone Star Land Steward Awards. Jack also helped to form Texas Organization of Wildlife Management Associations which promoted WMA’s on a state level. All of this organizational activity has given him countless contacts with professional wildlife biologists and land owners across the State of Texas.

Jack Holman’s opinion was respected enough that he was asked to serve on the Texas Parks and Wildlife’s Private Lands Advisory Board. His tenure in that capacity lasted 15 years. His proudest accomplishment during this time was helping to activate the 13 inch whitetail deer antler restriction, which has proven to be wildly popular and effective and basically impacts the eastern one third of Texas.

Jack works the entire State. He has closed on ranches in Colorado, Fayette, Lavaca, Gonzales, Victoria, Brazoria, Bee, DeWitt, Duval, Webb, McMullen, LaSalle, Maverick, Uvalde, Zavala, Medina, Kinney, Val Verde, Terrell, Sutton, Kimble, Mason, Menard, Schleicher, McCulloch, San Saba, Mills, Brown, Bastrop, Caldwell, Coleman, Lee, Houston, Brazos and Leon Counties.

(979) 732-7503


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